Department of Language, Literatures, and Arts
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Katherine Bridgman is associate professor of English at Texas A&M University-San Antonio where she directs the Writing, Language, and Digital Composing Center. Her research focuses on embodiment across digital interfaces. Her scholarship has appeared in venues including Kairos, South Atlantic Review, College English, Computers and Composition, and various edited collections.

John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
Cornell University
mtc225@cornell.edu Profile
Michelle Trillium Crow earned her PhD in Composition-Rhetoric with a specialty in ESL writing at the University of New Hampshire in 2006. At Cornell University, she founded and directs the English Language Support Office (ELSO), which is part of the Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines. ELSO provides writing and speaking support for multilingual graduate and professional students and postdocs across Cornell’s ten colleges and units. She formerly launched and led a Writing across the Curriculum program at Bridgewater State University, MA, where she was Associate Professor of English.
With Nigel Caplan, she founded the Consortium on Graduate Communication and served as the first Chair. She has also been active in professionalizing the field of WAC, leading the effort to develop the INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices, working with Jeff Galin, Anne Ellen Geller, and Dan Melzer to establish the CCCC WAC Standing Group, and working with Jeff Galin and Dan Melzer to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC), to which she was elected inaugural Chair.
Her scholarship focuses on WAC theory and practice, graduate communication support, and writing pedagogy, particularly as related to first-year composition, multilingual writing, and graduate writing. Her publications include Sustainable WAC (NCTE, 2018), Supporting Graduate Writers: Research Curriculum, and Program Design (University of Michigan Press, 2016), WAC and Second Language Writers (WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2014). Her scholarship has been published widely in edited collections and journals, including Across the Disciplines, The WAC Journal, Composition Studies, and English Journal.
Her achievements have been recognized by a Presidential Award for Excellence in Collaboration to Improve Teaching (2010, BSU), Presidential Award for Distinguished Teaching (2012, BSU), Distinguished Fellow Award (2021, AWAC), and Best WAC Monograph Award (2021, WAC Clearinghouse).

WAC Program
Fort Hays State University
Cheryl Hofstetter Duffy heads the WAC program at Fort Hays State University, bringing to the position diverse prior experience and an enthusiasm for all things writing. Her administrative roles have included English department chair, writing center director, director of composition, director of international composition, director of the writing concentration, and coordinator of disabled student services. She has taught developmental writing, first-year composition, advanced composition, and a variety of upper-level writing courses. Much of her publishing and presenting have focused on service-learning/community-based writing. A winner of her school’s Pilot Award for outstanding teaching, and the Navigator Award for outstanding advising, Duffy is a veteran faculty member with 30+ years at the University. She currently uses funds available to her (as the Becky P. and Mike Goss Distinguished Professor of Excellence in Teaching) to support student writers and the teaching of writing at FHSU. Her Ph.D. in English – with specialties in Composition Theory, English Language and Linguistics, and 19th Century American Literature – is from the University of Kansas.

Rhetoric and Writing Program
University of New Mexico
Cristyn is associate professor in the Rhetoric and Writing Program at the University of New Mexico. She supports historically underrepresented student populations through her teaching and research in writing program administration, writing across the curriculum, and composition studies. Cristyn has published in Across the Disciplines, CCC, Composition Forum, Composition Studies, Writing Center Journal, and WPA: Writing Program Administration. She is co-editor of the collection Defining, Locating, and Addressing Bullying in the WPA Workplace (2019, Utah State University Press) and is co-founder and co-editor of Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society. She is also a co-founder of WPA-GO (the Council of Writing Program Administrators Graduate Student Organization). Cristyn received UNM’s 2018-2019 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, 2015-2016 Outstanding New Teacher of the Year Award, and 2015 Golden Louie for Outstanding Faculty Student-Service Provider. She is co-recipient of the 2016 Award for Innovation from the Council on Basic Writing.

English Department
California State University, Chico
Chris Fosen, PhD, is professor of rhetoric and writing in the English Department at California State University, Chico. In addition to teaching courses in rhetorical theory and tutoring writing, he’s led workshops and summer institutes on teaching writing as the chair of the University Writing Committee and is now working with several departments on writing-enriched curriculum (WEC). He’s published on issues in environmental rhetoric, civic education, and writing mentorship and workshop groups. He’s also current President of the CSU English Council, a body of representatives in English Studies from all 23 CSU campuses.

University Center for Excellence in Writing | Writing Across the Curriculum
Florida Atlantic University
jgalin@fau.edu Profile
Jeffrey R. Galin is Professor of English at Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in critical and cultural studies with a specialization in composition. He teaches courses on academic and multimodal writing as well as the teaching of writing. He is also the founder and Director of the University Center for Excellence in Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum program at FAU, and the Community Center for Excellence in Writing.
He has also helped professionalize the field of WAC, participating in the development of the INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices, working with Michelle Cox, Anne Ellen Geller, and Dan Melzer to establish the CCCC WAC Standing Group, and working with Michelle Cox and Dan Melzer to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, to which he was elected inaugural Outgoing Chair.
He has presented over 100 workshops and presentations at national and international conferences. His most recent co-authored book is Sustainable WAC: A Whole Systems Approach to Launching and Developing Writing Across the Curriculum Programs. He has edited collections on technology and teaching, teaching of writing in college, and has published articles on literacy theory, teaching of writing, management of writing programs, intellectual property/copyright, and the future of online publishing.
His achievements have been recognized in the 2008 Presidential Leadership Award at FAU, Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (2021, AWAC), and Best WAC Monograph Award (2021, WAC Clearinghouse).

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
Indiana University, Bloomington
John Paul Kanwit is the Campus Writing Program Director in the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning at IU Bloomington. In this role, John Paul has worked to expand and transform writing-intensive courses, integrate more support for multilingual writers across campus, institute fair and equitable grading practices, and encourage the use of low-stakes writing assignments in all courses. He also helps to set the strategic direction for the University’s writing center, Writing Tutorial Services (WTS). John Paul is the author of Victorian Art Criticism and the Woman Writer (OSU Press, 2013) as well as articles on the visual arts, disability, and writing pedagogy. John Paul was previously Associate Professor of English and Director of the Secondary Language Arts Education Program at Ohio Northern University. He has a Ph.D. in literature and an M.B.A., both from Indiana University.

University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
dlmelzer@ucdavis.edu Profile
Dan Melzer earned his PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at Florida State University. As the University Reading and Writing Coordinator at California State University, Sacramento, he led the Writing Across the Curriculum program and directed the University Reading and Writing Center. He is currently a professor and the Director of First-Year Composition at the University of California, Davis.
Dan has played an active leadership role in the field of Writing Across the Curriculum. Along with Jeff Galin, Anne Ellen Geller, and MIchelle Crow he co-chaired the International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs and established the CCCC WAC Standing Group. He worked with Michelle Crow and Jeff Galin to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, to which he was elected inaugural Chair of the Mentoring Committee.
Dan’s scholarship focuses on WAC pedagogy and writing program leadership. His publications include the third edition of Engaging Ideas (Jossey Bass, 2021 with John Bean), Sustainable WAC (NCTE, 2018), and Assignments across the Curriculum (Utah State UP, 2014). His research has appeared in the journals College Composition and Communication, Writing Program Administration, Journal of Basic Writing, The WAC Journal, Kairos, Journal of Response to Writing, and Praxis: A Writing Center Journal.
Dan’s achievements have been recognized by 2021 Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and Best WAC Monograph awards and a 2014 Outstanding University Service Award from California State University Sacramento.