John Paul Kanwit

John Paul Kanwit
MemberCenter for Innovative Teaching and Learning
John Paul Kanwit is the Campus Writing Program Director in the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning at IU Bloomington. In this role, John Paul has worked to expand and transform writing-intensive courses, integrate more support for multilingual writers across campus, institute fair and equitable grading practices, and encourage the use of low-stakes writing assignments in all courses. He also helps to set the strategic direction for the University’s writing center, Writing Tutorial Services (WTS). John Paul is the author of Victorian Art Criticism and the Woman Writer (OSU Press, 2013) as well as articles on the visual arts, disability, and writing pedagogy. John Paul was previously Associate Professor of English and Director of the Secondary Language Arts Education Program at Ohio Northern University. He has a Ph.D. in literature and an M.B.A., both from Indiana University.