Jeffrey Galin

Jeffrey Galin
LeaderUniversity Center for Excellence in Writing | Writing Across the Curriculum
Jeffrey R. Galin is Professor of English at Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in critical and cultural studies with a specialization in composition. He teaches courses on academic and multimodal writing as well as the teaching of writing. He is also the founder and Director of the University Center for Excellence in Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum program at FAU, and the Community Center for Excellence in Writing.
He has also helped professionalize the field of WAC, participating in the development of the INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices, working with Michelle Cox, Anne Ellen Geller, and Dan Melzer to establish the CCCC WAC Standing Group, and working with Michelle Cox and Dan Melzer to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, to which he was elected inaugural Outgoing Chair.
He has presented over 100 workshops and presentations at national and international conferences. His most recent co-authored book is Sustainable WAC: A Whole Systems Approach to Launching and Developing Writing Across the Curriculum Programs. He has edited collections on technology and teaching, teaching of writing in college, and has published articles on literacy theory, teaching of writing, management of writing programs, intellectual property/copyright, and the future of online publishing.
His achievements have been recognized in the 2008 Presidential Leadership Award at FAU, Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (2021, AWAC), and Best WAC Monograph Award (2021, WAC Clearinghouse).