Dan Melzer

Daniel Melzer

Dan Melzer

Daniel Melzer

University Writing Program
Email: dlmelzer@ucdavis.edu

Dan Melzer earned his PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at Florida State University. As the University Reading and Writing Coordinator at California State University, Sacramento, he led the Writing Across the Curriculum program and directed the University Reading and Writing Center. He is currently a professor and the Director of First-Year Composition at the University of California, Davis.

Dan has played an active leadership role in the field of Writing Across the Curriculum. Along with Jeff Galin, Anne Ellen Geller, and MIchelle Crow he co-chaired the International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs and established the CCCC WAC Standing Group. He worked with Michelle Crow and Jeff Galin to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, to which he was elected inaugural Chair of the Mentoring Committee.

Dan’s scholarship focuses on WAC pedagogy and writing program leadership. His publications include the third edition of Engaging Ideas (Jossey Bass, 2021 with John Bean), Sustainable WAC (NCTE, 2018), and Assignments across the Curriculum (Utah State UP, 2014). His research has appeared in the journals College Composition and Communication, Writing Program Administration, Journal of Basic Writing, The WAC Journal, Kairos, Journal of Response to Writing, and Praxis: A Writing Center Journal.

Dan’s achievements have been recognized by 2021 Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and Best WAC Monograph awards and a 2014 Outstanding University Service Award from California State University Sacramento.