Cheryl Duffy

Cheryl Hofstetter Duffy

Cheryl Duffy

Cheryl Hofstetter Duffy

WAC Program

Cheryl Hofstetter Duffy heads the WAC program at Fort Hays State University, bringing to the position diverse prior experience and an enthusiasm for all things writing. Her administrative roles have included English department chair, writing center director, director of composition, director of international composition, director of the writing concentration, and coordinator of disabled student services. She has taught developmental writing, first-year composition, advanced composition, and a variety of upper-level writing courses. Much of her publishing and presenting have focused on service-learning/community-based writing. A winner of her school’s Pilot Award for outstanding teaching, and the Navigator Award for outstanding advising, Duffy is a veteran faculty member with 30+ years at the University. She currently uses funds available to her (as the Becky P. and Mike Goss Distinguished Professor of Excellence in Teaching) to support student writers and the teaching of writing at FHSU. Her Ph.D. in English – with specialties in Composition Theory, English Language and Linguistics, and 19th Century American Literature – is from the University of Kansas.