WAC Summer Institute

The WAC Institute’s primary goal is to assist new and prospective leaders of WAC/WID or similar initiatives in the US and internationally in planning and developing their programs. The Institute also supports experienced directors who face new challenges or wish to expand, update, or revitalize their programs.

Association for Writing Across the Curriculum

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) promotes writing instruction and education across all contexts for teachers, teacher-scholars, writing center directors, writing program leaders, administrators, and graduate and undergraduate students. Our goal is to impact productively writing and writing instruction in meaningful, inclusive, and actionable ways.

Conference on College Composition and Communication WAC Standing Group

The CCCC WAC Standing group advocates for writing across the curriculum, provides a space for WAC researchers to network, fosters mentorship in WAC, and organizes special topic panels at CCCC related to WAC.

Global Society of Online Literacy Educators

The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE) connects those who teach reading, alphabetic writing, and digital literacy in online educational settings.

Consortium on Graduate Communication

The Consortium on Graduate Communication is an international association whose members provide professional development in written, oral, and multimodal communication to students before and during their (post-)graduate academic and professional programs. CGC members work with graduate students in their first and second/additional languages.

International Network of Writing Across the Curriculum Programs Statement of WAC Principles and Practices

A statement of WAC principles and practices that was endorsed by INWAC and the CCC Executive Committee.

International Writing Studies

This handout was distributed at the 2018 CCCC WSA workshop that was led by Cox, Melzer, and Galin. It includes the principles, methodology, strategies, and bibliography for the WSA.

Across the Disciplines

Across the Disciplines is a refereed journal devoted to language, learning, and academic writing, publishes articles relevant to writing and writing pedagogy in all their intellectual, political, social, and technological complexity.

WAC Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse was founded in 1997 to provide open access to teaching resources and scholarly publications. As an open-access publisher, the Clearinghouse is dedicated to providing barrier- and cost-free access to scholarly work, including journals and journal articles, monographs, edited collections, conference proceedings, and professional and pedagogical resources. Over more than two decades, the members of the Clearinghouse publishing collaborative have developed approaches to publishing that have significantly reduced the cost of publishing scholarly work while maintaining standards that put our journals and books among the top in the field of writing studies.

The WAC Journal

The WAC Journal is the longest-running journal devoted to writing across the curriculum in the field.